Emily Mitchell

Emily Mitchell

Welcome to Emily Mitchell's repertoire page. Browse track by track or search within Emily Mitchell's repertoire using the search function above. If you have a bespoke request for this particular composer please contact us.
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Album Track Composers BPM Duration Description Play Options
Acoustic Cello A Different Swing Emily Mitchell 124 3'04" Jazzy, dancing
Acoustic Cello Air To Breathe Emily Mitchell 108 4'01" Positive, uplifting
Acoustic Cello At The Lake Emily Mitchell 72 3'49" Reflective, pensive
Reclassified: Bach Bach's Air For Cello Emily Mitchell 66 2'57" Elegant, chamber
Acoustic Cello Baroque Slow Movement Emily Mitchell 96 5'29" Lifting, sorrowful
Acoustic Cello Beat Of My Life Emily Mitchell 100 3'00" Heart warming,comforting
Romance Beat Of My Life Emily Mitchell 100 3'01" Heart warming, comforting, acoustic cellos
Gypsy Swing Belgian Gypsy Emily Mitchell, Simon Morris 102 2'40" Characterful, lively
Acoustic Cello Below Zero Emily Mitchell 108 3'53" Pressing, intense, suffering
Acoustic Cello Carnaval Dos Bons Tempos Emily Mitchell 108 3'07" Jolly, bouncing
Acoustic Cello Cinderella Waltz Emily Mitchell 115 3'05" Graceful, flowing
Waltzing Cinderella Waltz Emily Mitchell 115 3'05" Graceful, flowing
Acoustic Cello Dappled Sunlight Emily Mitchell 100 3'11" Reflective, meandering
Acoustic Cello Entre Los Naranjos Emily Mitchell 88 3'08" Regal, joyful
Acoustic Cello I Shine Within Emily Mitchell 108 3'18" Endearing, beautiful
Acoustic Cello Patriotic Anthem Emily Mitchell 76 4'25" Sombre, grandiose
Acoustic Cello Sinister Emily Mitchell 98 3'55" Suspicious, tense
Acoustic Cello Sunday Chill Emily Mitchell 90 3'01" Meandering, relaxing
Acoustic Cello Twilight Waltz Emily Mitchell 108 3'02" Emotive, moving, yearning
Waltzing Twilight Waltz Emily Mitchell 108 3'02" Emotive, moving, yearning
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