Christoffer Schoe

Christoffer Schoe

Welcome to Christoffer Schoe's repertoire page. Browse track by track or search within Christoffer Schoe's repertoire using the search function above. If you have a bespoke request for this particular composer please contact us.
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Album Track Composers BPM Duration Description Play Options
Kitsch Another Day Christoffer Schoe 116 1'41" Lighthearted, cheerful
Kitsch Cheeze Christoffer Schoe 100 1'22" Happy, chipper
Kitsch Cocktail Waltz Christoffer Schoe 140 1'48" Bright, sunny
Waltzing Cocktail Waltz Christoffer Schoe 140 1'48" Bright, sunny
Kitsch Good Stuff Christoffer Schoe 138 1'09" Optimistic, vivacious
Kitsch Kazoo Rock Christoffer Schoe 122 1'11" Amiable, warm feat. Elisabeth
Kitsch Plastic Beat Christoffer Schoe 120 1'05" Ambling stroll feat. Elisabeth
Kitsch Quiet Afternoon in Space Christoffer Schoe 120 1'02" Rambling round the cosmos
Kitsch She Sings La La La Christoffer Schoe 138 1'02" Floating, dreamy feat. Elisabeth
Kitsch Toy Summer Christoffer Schoe 140 1'07" Shining, glistening
Kitsch TV Pop Christoffer Schoe 118 1'32" Trotting pace feat. Elisabeth
Kitsch Ukulele Pop Christoffer Schoe 120 1'12" Saunting, meandering
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