Amour Haider

Amour Haider

Welcome to Amour Haider's repertoire page. Browse track by track or search within Amour Haider's repertoire using the search function above. If you have a bespoke request for this particular composer please contact us.
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Album Track Composers BPM Duration Description Play Options
Orchestral Manoeuvres A Victorian Dream Amour Haider 74 2'52" Sombre, reflective
Orchestral Manoeuvres Africa Amour Haider 110 2'59" Positive, awakening
Orchestral Manoeuvres Curiosity Amour Haider 160 3'06" Light, playful
Orchestral Manoeuvres Discovering New Land Amour Haider 105 2'59" Rigid, winding
Orchestral Manoeuvres Final Moments Amour Haider 125 3'17" Dramatic, tense
Orchestral Manoeuvres La Dolce Vita Amour Haider 120 3'09" Relaxed, soothing
Orchestral Manoeuvres Sail On Amour Haider 100 2'51" Fluid, Flowing
Orchestral Manoeuvres Slow Motion Amour Haider 115 2'32" Calm, solemn
Orchestral Manoeuvres The Meadow Amour Haider 100 3'05" Agitated, peaceful
Orchestral Manoeuvres Time Out Amour Haider 122 2'52" Pressured, chased
Orchestral Manoeuvres To The East Amour Haider 113 3'05" Curious, intriged
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